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Peak Performance Management, Inc. | Pittsburgh, PA

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Peak Performance Management

Sales superstars identify what the key performance indicators (KPI) are for their business. Key performance indicators are the business development metrics that are most important in your company or industry.

What makes a superstar a superstar, in anything? It’s the ability to do something exceptionally well. However, a superstar can’t be great at one thing and abysmal at everything else in their specific area.

Sales superstars quantify a prospect’s pain. They are skilled at asking the questions as to how much a problem is costing the prospect.

Sales superstars journal daily. Why is this important? It is an effective way to get their heads straight. Being mentally prepared is a major part of selling.

Key accounts are commonly identified as unique long-term strategic connections, which offer the most substantial return on investment and overall success, but how do you sell into them?

Sales superstars keep a fuzzy file about their clients. These are detailed files about their clients that they can reference quickly.

People are always looking to be OK, or feel good about themselves. A common way that people do this is through contrast.

As salespeople, we're leaving 60% of possible referrals and introductions on the table. It's the 20-60-20 rule.

Do you know how to set meaningful expectations when you're presenting or selling to a group or committee; especially when you're not the one in the lead to win the deal?

Sales superstars always debrief a sales call when it has been completed. They discuss what went well and what didn’t.